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Tag Archives: health

Dangers from “formalin” and how to buy seafood safely

Dangers from “formalin” and how to buy seafood safely

We may have heard for a long time. That “formalin” has been detected in seafood in order to preserve the freshness of the food for a longer time. And what’s scary is that at present. It’s still randomly detected. We as consumers should have some knowledge and understanding

How to buy "pork" that is safe for your health

How to buy “pork” that is safe for your health

Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health Suggestions on how to buy pork that is naturally red. Press it with your finger to see if the meat is flexible, no dents, and must not have clear white granules similar to sago seeds. From a source with certified

5 things you should know before using "Melatonin" to help sleep

5 things you should know before using “Melatonin” to help sleep

Before taking melatonin-containing sleeping pills, you should know these 5 things first. to prevent potentially dangerous side effects Ajarn Phayapunthrik Srisawat, physician at Sleep Center Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society, stated 5 things to know before using melatonin to help sleep as follows ทางเข้า ufabet

6 ways to make delicious coffee and more healthy

6 ways to make delicious coffee and more healthy

Coffee lovers can have fun when reading this article. after being banned Many people say that drinking coffee is bad for health , but Healthy has a good way for coffee lovers to try to adjust the way they drink coffee. It’s not just that it doesn’t destroy health. but also

Benefits of Plums sweet, delicious, low cholesterol, good for health

Benefits of Plums sweet, delicious, low cholesterol, good for health

Plums belong to the same family as prunes, peaches or almonds. They are smaller fruits. It is commonly found in China, Japan, the United States and European countries. When ripe, they are sweet, delicious, and also full of UFABET health benefits. nutrients in plums Plums or plums are fruits

5 ways to eat durian safely for health

5 ways to eat durian safely for health

durian face There are always people who get sick because of durian. So how can we enjoy durian safely against various diseases? Pornfah Ananphaisan, a Chinese physician at the Thai Traditional and Complementary Medicine Center of medical excellence Faculty of Medicine Chiang Mai University states that there are many